Showing 1–12 of 17 results
ALPHA Hand Wash (Divine Ocean)
ALPHA (Divine Ocean)
Product Description:
- Gentle hand washing which requires a particularly skin friendly cleaning.
- Excellent conditioning agent with great skin feel,
- Gives soft velvety skin.
- Boost skin’s defence against bacteria and germs
- Moisturuzes skin while cleansing hands.
- pH-neutral.
- Ready to use.
- Pleasant, fresh fargrance
- Free of aldehydes and phenols.
Alpha Hand Wash ENIGMA
Product Description:
- Gentle hand washing which requires a particularly skin friendly cleaning.
- Excellent conditioning agent with great skin feel,
- Gives soft velvety skin.
- Boost skin’s defence against bacteria and germs
- Moisturuzes skin while cleansing hands.
- pH-neutral.
- Ready to use.
- Pleasant, fresh fargrance
- Free of aldehydes and phenols.
ALPHA Hand Wash (Graceful Whispers)
Product Description:
- Gentle hand washing which requires a particular skin friendly cleaning.
- Excellent conditioning agent with great skin feel,
- Gives soft velvety skin.
- Boost skin’s defense against bacteria and germs
- Moisturizes skin while cleansing hands.
- pH neutral.
- Ready to use.
- Pleasant, fresh fragrance
- Free of aldehydes and phenols.
ALPHA Hand Wash (Royal Velvet)
ALPHA Royal Velvet
Product Description:
- Gentle hand washing which requires a particularly skin friendly cleaning.
- Excellent conditioning agent with great skin feel,
- Gives soft velvety skin.
- Boost skin’s defence against bacteria and germs
- Moisturuzes skin while cleansing hands.
- pH-neutral.
- Ready to use.
- Pleasant, fresh fargrance
- Free of aldehydes and phenols.
BACTOL(High Level Surface Disinfectant)
Product Features:
- high level medical surface disinfectant
- biodegradeable
- cuts tough dirt and germs.
- helps fight un pleasent smell
- lasting fresh fragrance.
Ingredients in 100gm
- Benzalkonium Chloride,
- Didecyl Dimethyl Ammonium chloride, sodium chloride, N-oxides, Sodium Ethlhexyl sulfate
A. Presentation and Content:
Each Carbibag contains finest quality sodium bicarbonate of applicable standards (I.P., E,P., B.P., USP) and specified weight. Connector design, shape and size of CarbiBag is such that it readily gets plugged in to the slot provided in Fresenius dialysis machines.
CarbiBag suitable for Model # 4008 and 5008 for Fresenius dialysis machines. Sodium bicarbonate powder is automatically mixed with water producing a saturated solution. This saturated solution is then proportioned with water and acid concentrate to achieve the prescribed dialysate.[wa-order]
- A. Presentation and Content:
1- Each Carbibag cartrige contains finest quality sodium bicarbonate of applicable standards (I.P., E,P., B.P., USP) in a polypropylene container.
2- When attached to the special holder, water passes through it and produces a saturated bicarbonate solution, ready for use.
B: Instruction for use:
1- CarbiBag Cartridge is suitable for Nipro, Gambro and Bbraun dialysis machines.
2- CarbiBag Cartridge shall be inspected for any damage before fixing in the dialysis machine.
3- Do not use CarbiBag Cartridge, if found damage or leaky.
4- CarbiBag Cartridge is to use in combination with Part-A for dilution raito 35X and 45X.
5- Fix the CarbiBag Cartridge in the slot provided in haemodialysis machines.
6- Dialysis machine shall be calibrated and set to the dilution ratio of 35X or 45X depending upon the selection and use of part-A concentrate.
7- Dialysis machine shall be operated as per instructions of machine supplies.
- A. Presentation and Content:
Advantages and features:
- Precise composition.
- Advance formulation.
- Calcium mass balance is easily maintained during treatment.
- Compliant with BP, USP, JP, and EP specifications.
- Increased dialyzer reuse.
- Easier electrolyte individualization.
- Improved tolerance to treatment.
- Custom formulations compatible with all dialysis machines.
- CARBOSOl is available in 35X, 36.83X, with different variations.
Advantages and features:
- Precise composition.
- Advance formulation.
- Calcium mass balance is easily maintained during treatment.
- Compliant with BP, USP, JP, and EP specifications.
- Increased dialyzer reuse.
- Easier electrolyte individualization.
- Improved tolerance to treatment.
- Custom formulations compatible with all dialysis machines.
- CARBOSOl is available in 35X, 36.83X, with different variations.
- Precise composition.
- Compliant with BP, USP, JP, and EP specifications.
- Compatible with all dialysis machines.
- Microbiologically safe.
- Chemically stable.
- Calcium mass balance is easily maintained during treatment.
- Environmentally-friendly.
- Easy to carry (Light weight solid packing).
Chem-Blea-clean is used to remove biofilms
Chem-Blea-clean effective, has bactericidal, fungicidal sporicidal, tuberculocidal, virucidal effects.
The product is pumped automatically from the hemodialysis device during the disinfection cycle. Chem-Blea-clean contains Sodium hypochlotite water.
Available in 5L and 30L canisters, Chem-Blea-clean removes Protein deposits, blood residue and organic matters.[wa-order]
Citroclean is Sterilant, Sporicidal, Bactericidal, Virucidal, Fungicidal and decalcifying agent. It kills bacteria, viruses, and spores at above 60◦C within 10 minutes. It is highly effective against Hepatitis A and B viruses.
1- Cirtoclean Contains:
Citric Acid : 21%
Malic and Lactic Acid (as adjuvants)
2- Citroclean Plus Contains:
Citric Acid : 50%[wa-order]